Instructions to submit your application
Please read the below closely before submitting:
STEP ONE: Pay your submission fee
Pay your entry fee to the below:
Lost Voices Australia Inc
BSB: 062110
Account: 10407103
Amount: $25
Reference: First initial + Surname
STEP TWO: Email your submission
Email your submission as per the below:
Subject: Title of work, name of submitter
Include in text
I agree to the terms & conditions
A link to your 30 second video (ensuring the link is set to ‘anyone with link can view’.
200 word proposal of your HERstory concept and description of how the motif and elements of dance will inform the work to best express your concept.
The style of your work
The number of dancers (confirming all are 18 years and over)
*It’s very important that you ensure the email subject line matches the title of work and name of submitter supplied in the payment form. If we cannot identify your payment we cannot accept your submission.
Still unsure?
Send us an email if you have any questions.
Terms & Conditions
Create an original 5-10min choreographic work using 3- 5 dancers inspired by the theme HERstory. This can be abstracted and interpreted widely.
Genre can be Contemporary Dance, Classical Ballet, Dance Theatre, Folkloric Dance.
Submit 30sec video of your choreography via Dropbox or Google Drive. Please make sure your link is set to ‘anyone with link can view’ to ensure we can open it. We do not take We Transfers as the links will expire.
Include a 200-word proposal of your HERstory concept and describe how the motif and elements of dance will inform the work to best express your concept.
Include the style of your work and the number of dancers. All dancers are to be 16 years and over.
Works will be selected based on theme, professionalism and edge.
Deadline for Submission: 17th December 2024. Winning entries will be contacted by mid January.
Entry fee of $25 must be paid and reference must match email submission for the submission to be counted.
Successful applicants to share 50-70% of box office takings.
Performance Schedule:
Program A – Wednesday 30th April 2025, Thursday 1st May 2025
Program B – Friday 2nd May 2025, Saturday 3rd May 2025
For more information please contact: