Instructions to submit your application

Please read the below closely before submitting:

STEP ONE: Pay your submission fee

Pay your entry fee to the below:

Lost Voices Australia Inc

BSB: 062110

Account: 10407103

Amount: $25

Reference: First initial + Surname

STEP TWO: Email your submission

Send your submission by email as per below:

To: herstoryartsfestival@gmail.com

Subject: Title of work, Author’s name + genre code

Genre codes:

P = Poetry

SS = Short Story

M = Memoir

E = Essay

Include in text - I agree to the terms & conditions

Attach file, ensuring your file is named after its title, but your name is not on the document or on the file name.

*It’s very important that you ensure the email subject line matches the title of work and author name supplied in the payment form. If we cannot identify your payment we cannot accept your submission.

Still unsure?

Send us an email if you have any questions.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Entries must be unpublished, in English, the original work of the entrant and must not have received an award in any prior competition or be concurrently entered in another competition.

  2. Multiple entries must be on a separate submissions & an entrance fee must be paid per submission.

  3. Entries must be submitted electronically.

  4. The judges decision is final.  No correspondence will be entered into.  The judge reserves the right to withhold a prize.

  5. Winners will be announced on HERstory website https://www.herstoryfestival.com/ by end of February.

  6. No artificial intelligence or automated writing tool to be used to compose the entry.

  7. Entry fee of $25 must be paid and reference must match email submission for the submission to be counted.